Tuesday, December 7, 2010

About First Time for Everything (C)

First Time for Everything (FTE) is a series of inspirational stories, by extraordinary “everyday” people (FTExtraodinary people) about first time experiences that encouraged their transformation and commitment to a new life purpose.
Whether it is voluntary or involuntary the “champions of life” enter into a new stage of life as a novice and exit with a gallant story to share; triumphant in their self discovery and prepared to conquer the next stage.  By conveying the stories of others who have already traveled the same path successfully; FTE aims to inspire readers to develop a mastery that would have otherwise seemed inconceivable. 

First Time For Everything is driven by six guiding principles:

Celebration of storytelling:  Before our culture became dominated by abbreviated communication, detailed stories shared between generations inspired us to overcome challenges and moved us through our journey. Stories in this series will restore the relevance of storytelling. 
Evoke enthusiasm for life:  When we enter into new practices, grow through generational stages and endure crossroads, we are likely to experience some internal turmoil; hindering our ability to fully engage and enjoy the journey. Learning the stories of others who have already traveled the same path successfully will bring our audience a fresh perspective to embracing change, releasing fear and uncovering a renewed enthusiasm for life.     
 Arouse courage:  While contemplation is the first stage of change, courage fuels progress.   FTE acknowledges the virtues that allow us to push through, fall from grace, rise again and triumph.
  Inspire self awareness and progressive thinking: When we enter into a new stage of life as novices, and work on our mastery, we become better acquainted with ourselves and our vision.    Stepping into a new practice enables us to move closer to perfecting our passions, and nurturing our desires.  
Engage creativity:  FTE invites writers to tap into the raw essence of their imagination and bring provocative images through short story, essay, prose and poetry. The multimedia website will be a venue for visual art, movement and spoken word contributions. 

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